It can be easy to think we're not enough -- not fit enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not young enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not successful enough, not talented enough -- simply not enough in one way or another.
Why? Probably because many people are quick to offer their "friendly advice" totally free of charge about what we should do and how we should be. These folks are quick on finding what they think is flawed and wrong (tearing down) and pretty slow on shining a light on what's right (building up).
Adding to that is the fact that there are a myriad of influencers on social media and also old school media pushing heavily stylized and airbrushed photos about what "perfect" looks like -- images of what a "perfect life" is.
But the truth is -- each of us is perfect right here and right now. We have everything in the current moment to grow and create shift in our lives -- if that is what we want to do and are ready to do.
A secret to life is knowing that the power of creating shift and achieving goals and doing special things resides in embracing one's own worth. And it's a lifelong process.
And if you need a reminder -- please know, if you're reading this -- you are worthy.
And also know -- if someone is offering you ways you can improve yourself -- well, bless their heart. But the thing is, if they don't know you then how do they know what's right for you?
Another secret to life is to never allow someone to rob you of your capacity for joy. We all deserve joy. And if someone is trying to diminish your joy capacity by implying you are less than -- well, it's most likely because they've lost touch with joy in their own lives.
So please don't waste time. Don't let what others might think make you doubt your worth.
Get out there and do all the special things you want to do. If you want to learn how to play the ukulele or do a cartwheel -- do it!
Dream and discover. Learn and grow. You're more than worth it.
Enjoy the adventure of being you.